Creating a Productive Work Environment

Wherever you work, creating the perfect workspace is essential to increasing your productivity. Here at Level One, we believe it all comes back to the basics, which is why all our offices are fully-furnished and IT equipped. If you seek a further productivity boost here are a few helpful hints to get you in gear.
- De-clutter!! There’s nothing worse than disorganisation when you’re trying to get through your daily tasks. Not only are you slowing yourself down productively, but a mess doesn’t send out a truly professional image! Spend some time re-organising your files and documents, and removing anything that doesn’t need to be there. You’ll be surprised at how much clearer your head will be and this will lead to you working more efficiently.
- Personalise your space. Less is definitely more in this department but studies have shown that a few strategically placed photos of friends and loved ones, mementos from a great holiday perhaps, or even a small potted plant can breathe colour and life into your workspace, making it a happier and more calming place to be.
- A little background noise is sometimes a good thing, particularly if you usually work alone. Some people aren’t bothered by, and actually enjoy listening to music while they work, finding a radio on in the background lessens that ‘solitary’ feeling. If you work alongside others though, it is a good idea to find out and acknowledge the preferences of others or, if in doubt, stick in your headphones!
- Finally, taking allocated breaks outside of your workspace is very effective in re-enforcing the work/play divide. Leaving the desk for even 20 minutes to grab something to eat, make a cup of coffee or stretch the legs. The canteen area can be the perfect place to escape to where you can have a quick chat with somebody who may not be in your business arena but could provide inspiration for that new idea you’re developing. This makes it easier to knuckle down again when you do return. Spending your entire working day (including breaks) at your desk isn’t productive as it encourages break-time to spill into work-time and vice versa. Also, as lovely as your workspace might be, no one benefits from spending too long in front of a computer. Striking a healthy balance here is vital to improving your productivity and getting the most out of your place of work.